gtag('config', 'UA-109273244-1'); Bon Jovi Heart.: Like a fire inside Bon Jovi is like a fire!

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No perdemos la fe, Bon Jovi ha tocado la vida de muchos por aqui, ah dejado una huella, por eso lo queremos de vuelta!.

Bon jovi en Colombia 201?! en vivo Bogota, Colombia!

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2008

Like a fire inside Bon Jovi is like a fire!

like a fire inside that grows..........there nothing that i would not do for you...........uuuuuuuuuuu.......ohhhhhhhh...............(zambora best guitar in the world),.........i´ll be the tears for you...... i wanna be your everything!!!!!!!!!! are my everything........darling you are.........

The Real Thing ¡¡

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